Zombie Theorem: Dark Times Book Five Page 4
Apache wasted no more time as she changed her direction and pumped her legs to speed up her descent toward Henry. Brian caught her movement and tracked her with his scope. He quickly found the reason she had abandoned her chance at escape. Henry was down holding onto his right knee and trying in vain to drag himself behind a small outcrop of rocks.
“Hashkeh, we have a problem.”
Hashkeh moved his eye off the scope and took in the scene unfolding below them. “If she drags him to those rocks and conceal themselves, they should be ok from the enemy, and safe from the explosions. We cannot hold off the mission, she knows what she is doing. Have faith in our sister.”
Brian had to believe Apache would do the right thing and come out on the other side safe. He needed to stay focused on the job he had to do. A black box sat in between Hashkeh and Brian, an identical one could be found on the other side of the pass on a ledge near Apache’s fiancée Hase.
Apache slid in next to Henry and quickly sized up the issue. It would seem Henry had stepped in a hole and sprained his knee when he collapsed sideways. Apache moved her head around, alternating her gaze between the top of the hillside and the open mouth of the pass, where even now she could see the Ridder convoy entering. She made her mind up and grabbed Henry by his arms.
“I am going to drag you to those rocks and try and conceal us from Ridder and hopefully from our little packets of awesomeness when they go off. Trust me brother.”
Henry’s face grimaced with pain, but he understood the situation. He lifted his hands to Apache and nodded his head. She latched onto his forearms as he grasped onto hers, creating a strong bond. She dug deep down and bit her bottom lip to stop her from crying out loud over the pain her body was forced to handle. She dragged Henry ten feet and pushed his body into a slight depression near the biggest rock in the outcrop. She laid down and blanketed her body over them both.
“If you ever decide to leave Hase, I would be more than happy to take his place. Wow, you have an athletic body,” Henry muttered through a pain filled chuckle.
Apache pushed her body firmly against Henry’s. “Keep talking and I will gut you and leave you here for Ridder. Now shut up, and enjoy almost getting to third base,” Apache whispered into Henry’s ear.
Brian moved his scope onto the lead Humvee entering the pass. He moved his aim through the side window toward where the driver would be. His job was to take the shot on the driver as the Humvee crossed an imaginary line, then he was supposed to drop his rifle and mash down on the detonator’s switch, triggering the explosion at the far end of the pass and blocking the convoy from entering the valley. Hashkeh would then take out the last Humvee in the convoy as it entered the pass. That blast would then alert Hase to trigger the rear explosions and bring down the rear of the pass. They needed to trap the Ridder convoy in the pass from both sides and then evacuate, as an F-35B would drop from the sky and drop two cluster bombs on the armored Humvees.
The team would re-assemble in the valley and take their Humvees back to the facility. That at least was the plan. Brian was going to call an audible though with Apache and Henry trapped below. They would be decimated if the F-35B dropped its cluster bombs. As he raised his radio to his lips he stopped. He was a professional and had a mission to complete and two people’s lives didn’t equal the lives back at the facility. Brian raised his rifle again, centered his aim on the driver’s side of the Humvee, and squeezed the trigger. The gun bucked in his arms and a hole appeared in the windshield, the Humvee kept rolling. Brian considered putting another round down range when the Humvee finally stopped. Another rifle cracked as Hashkeh fired on his objective. Things would happen automatically now.
Twin explosions rocked the pass, just as a dark speck screamed out of the sky.
Probably the corn in some Zombie shit
Twenty-six hours later, the Humvees carrying Brian and his team returned to find the facility and surrounding area choked with planes, men, and two tanks. Brian climbed from the Humvee to greet Dan, as he jogged over to see him.
“How did things go Sasquatch?” Dan enquired.
“Success, we stopped and devastated the first section of the convoy. We have two casualties, one serious, one minor, and no KIA’s,” Brian dropped his eyes to the sand between his feet.
“Who?” Dan moved away from Brian to the back of the Humvee, as two bodies were lifted out and moved to waiting litters.
“Henry has a fucked-up knee. Apache is much worse, because her body was covering Henry’s when the explosions went off, and again during the F-35 attack.”
“Wait rewind, how did this happen? You were in charge of this operation. Why didn’t you call off the attacks?” Dan’s face turned beet red as he turned on Brian.
Hashkeh stepped in between the two men. “Major, you were not there. Brian made the right call. Either we take the risk of losing two people, or the potential to lose the whole facility. If you need someone to rail on, I am happy to take it.”
Dan deflated quickly, as he rubbed his face and cracked his neck. He side-stepped the Navajo and wrapped his arms around Brian. “Sorry brother, I was wrong.”
Brian wrapped his arms around Dan, enveloping him in a large hug, and lifted him off of the ground. “I tried my best Boss, I am torn up over my decision.”
Hase stepped away from Apache’s side and placed his hand on Brian’s back. “She is my world Brian, but she would agree. You made the right decision.”
“Not sure I am ready for command again Boss.”
“The fact that you are feeling like this is what makes you a great leader Brian. I have some news for you, take a walk with me,” Dan shrugged out of Brian’s arms and turned toward the array of war planes filling out the improvised parking ramp.
Brian turned to Hase and nodded his thanks, before moving on to catch up with Dan. Butch took a step back, giving the two men the private time they needed. “What’s up Boss?”
“I have been ordered out of the area.”
Brian regarded Dan closely for a moment, to see if he was serious. After all the time they had spent glued to the hip, Brian gauged he could read the man fairly well “That is good news. I guess you can’t tell me when and where.”
“There are two Blackhawks waiting for us.”
Brian stopped in his tracks. “Did you say us?”
“I did, we have been ordered to some out of the way place. General Richards believes that Ridder is out to get me, and will leave this base alone, once they find I have left. I have not been told where we are going, but for now it is just you and me. The rest of our teams will follow soon.”
“Do I get to say goodbye to Lewis?”
Dan pointed to his right and waited for Brian to turn in that direction. Lewis was standing there. Brian looked over and smiled at his man. “You have twenty minutes before the birds take off. I expect you to be there,” With that, Dan walked away with Butch in tow.
Brian dropped his head and moved slowly to Lewis. He took the man’s hands and gave him a sad smile. “I finally find someone I really like, and now I have to leave.”
Lewis smiled back up at him. “You are not the first who has had to leave someone behind. Take Dan, he has finally reconnected with the woman of his life and here he is without her. He fights for her continued safety, as well as the safety of the world. He needs you, I will be here waiting for you when all this is over.”
Brian took Lewis in his arms and kissed him gently. “I promise to come back to you.”
Lewis kissed him back. “You better, where else can I find a hunk of a Sasquatch like you?” he teased.
They stood there kissing, touching, and holding each other, till Brian sighed and stepped back. “I need to go, that guy couldn’t take a shit without me nearby.”
“Go take care of our savior. I…” Lewis took in a sharp breath, screwed his courage on. “I love you, be careful.”
“I love you too Lewis. I promise to return,” Brian kissed him one more time and then turned a
nd jogged away before his heart could break.
Dan held his ground ignoring the crew chief of his Blackhawk, informing him of their time table. “Sir we need to get off the ground, we cannot wait any longer.”
Dan kept an eye out for Brian, knowing he would be coming, there was no way his Sasquatch would leave his side now. Dan started to feel for the first time that he was all alone, he was no longer part of a team, he was the leader. If that meant he had to be an island by himself, maybe this leadership thing was not something he wanted to do anymore. Dan turned to the Blackhawk and took two steps toward it when a voice interrupted his internal dialogue.
“You weren’t leaving without me, were you?”
Dan spun on his heel and came face to chest with a smiling Brian. “Sorry I am late. I stopped to pick up our gear. I thought you’d feel naked without this,” he held up a picture of Julie and his dad.
“Where would I be without you Sasquatch?” Dan stared down at the picture he had taken the last time they were all together.
“Probably the corn in some Zombie shit,” Brian joked, as he hefted their combat gear into the Blackhawk and climbed in. He then saw the clouds gathering in Dan’s eyes. Brian extended his hand out to Dan and yanked the man up into the helicopter. “Stay by my side Boss, cause I ain’t leaving you.”
Dan perked up at the declaration. “You better not, you are the only person I trust in this dying world.” he muttered the last part quietly.
Brian buckled himself into his seat and slid his earphones on, before turning and securing Dan in his. He thought about the words Dan used, and then looked back at his time by this man’s side. He couldn’t remember a time when he had muttered such bleak words.
Dan settled his earphones on and adjusted the mic. “Pilot, what is our destination?”
“Major Welko, nice to have you onboard sir. We have heard so much about you. The General is sending you and your valet to the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan.”
Dan turned his head to Brian and cocked his eyebrow questioning the answer he had just been given. “Pilot, this is the Major’s valet, where is the Reagan right now?”
“No idea sir, the coordinates will not be given to us till we tank up near San Fran.”
Dan and Brian both swiveled their heads at hearing San Francisco. “I am tired of calling you pilot. What is your name?” Dan ordered.
“Your pilot today is Thad Winston, Crew Chief is Fred Savage no relation to the TV actor, and I am your copilot Maly Copeland,” the female voice finished the introductions.
“Excellent, I am Dan and this big Sasquatch is Brian. Can you do me a personal favor?”
“Already figured you would want to see parts of San Francisco and the Trans America Tower you escaped from, if that is your favor sir,” answered Thad.
“That was exactly the favor I was going to ask. How did you know about the Tower?” Dan asked curiously.
“Shit sir, everyone has heard the story of you and Brian there fighting with nothing but your hands to get out of there. You two are the biggest news on all the bases.” Maly answered.
“I’m sorry…” Brian shook his head. “We are news?”
“The only news anyone talks about. Your adventures in San Fran, Alcatraz, the Ridder camp, the discovery of the Zombie Theorem culling, the fight to save your wife in Bragg, your battle at your dad’s ranch, your torture at the hands of the Culling Initiative, and how you singlehandedly fought your way out. Now, you are known as the savior of the human race.”
Dan opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Brian. He covered Dan’s mouth and shook his head. “That’s our Boss, I witnessed this man pull off the impossible a million times. Keep your eyes and ears open, because he is going to show everyone his greatness soon enough,” Brian explained with a straight face. Dan closed his eyes and shook his head in exasperation.
“It is a huge honor having you on our little chopper sir. We will do everything we can to get you on the carrier’s deck safe and on time. If there is anything we can do to make your stay with us better, just let us know. We might surprise you.” Maly spoke over the headset.
“How about a cold beer,” Dan muttered just loud enough to be heard over the headsets.
The Crew Chief Savage appeared in front of Dan, and extended a gloved hand holding a can of 805 Firestone beer. Condensation rolled off the can and dripped onto the rubber coated floor of the Blackhawk. Dan reached out slowly with a shaking hand and took the proffered beer. Dan cracked back the pull tab and imagined he could hear the hiss of carbon escape. He lifted the can and tilted it slowly, letting the rim of the cold aluminum can rest on his bottom lip. He took a tentative sip and moaned in pleasure as the beer hit his tongue and work its way down his throat.
“How?” Dan muttered in awe.
“Traded a flight to some ground pounders and they hooked us up with some pilfered cases from their supply run. We have an ice chest from another supply run, and ice is readily available at the airbase,” Savage handed a can to a drooling Brian. “Drink up sirs, I doubt that carrier has anything like this, and our flight time to San Fran is a good six hours. We have to stay low and out of radar range of Ridder bases. We won’t be picking up our fighter escort for a while.”
“Thank you for the liquid courage. My Sasquatch and I are in your debt.”
“No worries sir, if you are hungry we have food too. When our commander heard we got this mission, he had the mess whip up some lunches for you guys.” Thad offered.
Brian let out a huge burp and crushed the can into a ball in his bare hands and smiled. “I think I love you guys and gal. What unit are you from?”
Savage handed him another beer and shook his head. “We used to be from the 129th out of Moffett in Northern California. In fact, we are one of the only crews who have been together through all this shit. There are no more numbered units left though, the General has assigned all units, name designated. We are known as the Fighting Griffons. We are Griffon One and our back up out there is Griffon Two.”
“I just met a Marine unit that said they were the 26th,” Dan added confused at the designations.
“Yeah those fucking Jarheads are fighting this whole thing tooth and nail. They have been designated War Dogs. I heard the General is actually considering dropping all services and reforming them all under the Army. No more Navy, Marines, or Air Force.”
Brian clenched his teeth in such a way that Dan noticed and chuckled. “My pet here is a Marine, I think you may have just pissed him off.”
“Will a bag lunch and another beer calm him down?” Maly asked over the headsets.
“I am fine and yes, a bag lunch or two and another beer will stop me from tearing apart your little whirlybird and eating everyone aboard,” Brian answered dully.
Savage turned around holding a box full of brown bags in one hand and another beer in the other. Brian reached out snatched the beer and two bags of food from Savage. Dan let out a full-on belly laugh and took an offered bag. Savage turned to cockpit and served them their lunch and then returned to Dan with another cold beer. The crew chief and his two charges sat and devoured the bologna sandwiches, assorted fruits, cheeses, and bags of chips. More beer was consumed, and Dan turned his mind inward, ignoring the banter on the headsets.
He watched the ground blur, as his mind assembled the information he had taken in since the first days of the Culling. He thought about the Culling Initiative and everything they had done to come after him personally. He knew he had hurt them by turning Joseph, who was even now working on an inoculation to save anyone else from turning. No cure existed, all the people who had been bitten were dead and he could not save them. Dan accepted that hard truth, but he would not let them rule over the rest of the surviving masses. He knew he had to fight back, he had to first defeat the Ridder forces on the West coast. Then he would force the Culling and their lap dogs out of his country. After that, he hoped he could gain allies across the world and finish dismantling the Initiative. He jus
t hoped that he was fast enough to save a good size population of his countrymen. So many children and families had been ripped apart in these last months. Who knew the pain and suffering these people had gone through. He was snapped out of his funk when Brian reached over and thumped him on the arm.
“You been staring out that window for a while and have yet to realize that we are over our home,” Brian spoke over his shoulder.
Dan shook himself out of the meditation he had allowed himself to go to and focused on the city in front of him. When he last saw San Francisco, his city had been on fire and overrun by hordes of the dead. What he was looking at now didn’t completely look like his city anymore. The Trans America Tower seemed to be the only building still intact and recognizable from the famous city skyline. Entire neighborhoods had been razed to the ground by what had to have been intense uncontrollable fires. Thad banked the Blackhawk out over the bay and met up with their tanker. As they took on fuel, Dan craned his neck to see Alcatraz Island underneath them. Savage took in what Dan was trying to do and attached a line to Dan. He slid back the door that allowed Dan to lean forward without fear of falling to his death. The Island looked different than last he saw it. There was fresh construction and he could see gardens and groups of people moving around.
“The Island has become a settlement, something like a thousand people live there. They scavenged other cities nearby for the equipment and supplies they needed to build fresh buildings and cultivated gardens. They have deemed themselves neutral in this war, but occasionally asks for our help with the raiders and when their teams get stuck with attempted invasions by the hordes.”